CSIRO confirm DtS of No.1 non-combustible aluminium composite panels

Following the Australian Building Code Board's Advisory Note issued in August which provides guidance on how the National Construction Code (NCC) should be interpreted, we reached out to CSIRO for written confirmation that Vitracore G2 remains deemed to satisfy non-combustible in accordance with these new guidelines. 

To quote directly from the CSIRO letter:

"As the Vitracore G2 panel satisfies every condition of clause C1.12(f) the bonded laminate material receives the concession available under clause C1.12. This concession is consistent with the conclusion contained in CSIRO assessment report FCO-3166A dated 23 November 2015."

They further confirm:

Vitracore G2 aluminium composite panel (ACP) has been the subject of AS 1530.1 – 1994 'Combustibility test for materials' testing, as well as AS 1530.3 - 1999 'Simultaneous determination of ignitability, flame propagation, and smoke release' testing, undertaken by CSIRO Infrastructure Technologies, Fire Technology Laboratory at North Ryde NSW, as summarised below:

CSIRO Report Reference Test standard Specimen details Results
FNC11476B AS 1530.1 - 1994 Aluminium corrugated profiled core material and aluminium flat skins only. The material is NOT deemed combustible.
FNE11459A AS 1530.3 - 1999 Complete Vitracore G2 composite panel (including coating and adhesive). Ignitability Index 0
Spread of Flame Index 0
Heat Evolved Index 0
Smoke Developed Index 1

We were prompted to obtain this information from CSIRO following reports of a letter circulating within the industry that supposedly demonstrates that Vitracore G2 is non-compliant.

However, as CSIRO clearly state in their letter, there is absolutely no doubt that Vitracore G2 conforms to all levels to be deemed-to satisfy and remain Australia's no. 1 non-combustible aluminium composite panel.

For more information on Vitracore G2 or if you'd like to get more information about Vitracore G2's compliance with building standards then please contact our team or call direct 1800 007 175.